06. 20. 2024


The Graduate School is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 DDF Fellowship Recipients


Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024-2025 DDF Fellowship! The Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) gives the University's most accomplished Ph.D. candidates an opportunity to devote full-time effort to an outstanding research project by providing time to finalize and write a dissertation during the fellowship year.

Hamidreza Alai 

Mechanical Engineering
Advisor(s): Rajesh Rajamani
"Vehicle Tracking Based on Low-Cost Sensors: Applications to Micromobility Devices and Autonomous Vehicles"

Joshua Althoff

Advisor(s): David Chang, Jean O'Brien
"Vincennes in Myaamionki: Constructing and Contesting Indiana's Past in Miami Homelands"

Harsha Anantharaman

Advisor(s): Vinay Gidwani
"Exclusionary Inclusion: How Caste and Capital Logics Shape the Politics of Recognition, Formalization, and Infrastructural Reform in Contemporary Urban India"

Elizabeth Ancel

Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Advisor(s): Benjamin Munson
"Say exactly what I say: Social considerations for children’s performance in sentence repetition tasks"

Taiwo Aremu

Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Advisor(s): Jon Schommer
"Key Components for Planning and Developing New Pharmaceutical Enterprise that Produces the COVID-19 Vaccine in Nigeria for Local Uptake"

Amber Armstrong

Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Advisor(s): Erin Baldinger
"Learning the Nonlinear Dynamics of Climate Change through Mathematics Instruction"

Athanasios Bacharis

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
"Efficient Robotic Automation Leveraging Optimal Visual and Language Information"

Kaylee Barr

Chemical Engineering
Advisor(s): Theresa Reineke, Frank Bates
"Design and synthesis of bottlebrush polymers for improved oral drug delivery"

Jessica Barry

Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Advisor(s): Angela Birnbaum
"Prediction of fetal exposure of anti-seizure medication dosing during pregnancy through the development of physiologically-based models for prediction of lamotrigine exposure"

Anu Bompelli

Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Advisor(s): Angeline Carlson
"Postpartum Depression: Racial and Geographical Disparities, Social Determinants, and Healthcare Utilization Patterns in the United States"

Michael burns

Applied Plant Sciences
Advisor(s): Candice Hirsch
"Quantifying maize kernel attributes affecting quality in masa-based products"

rui cao

Advisor(s): Weihua Guan, Tianzhong Yang
"Statistical Models for Understanding Genetic and Genomic Foundations of Childhood Cancers: A Focus on Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia"

sydney Carpentier

Rehabilitation Science
Advisor(s): Ann Van de Winckel
"Development of a Novel Evaluation Scale for Mental Body Representations (MBR) in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury

jinhee cha

Advisor(s): Erin Marcotte
"The effects of policy and neighborhood-level social determinants of health on childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia survival disparities"

Seohyeon choi

Educational Psychology
Advisor(s): Kristen McMaster
"Toward the Fair and Valid Use of Curriculum-Based Measurement in Writing with Struggling Writers From Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds"

husrev Cilasun

Electrical Engineering
Advisor(s): Ulya Karpuzcu
"Computing with Spins: The Good, the Bad, and the Odd"

Houda cohen

Integrative Biology and Physiology
Advisor(s): Joseph Metzger, Xavier Revelo
"Mechanism of Innate Immunity Activation and Inflammation Onset in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy"

Leah Costik

Political Science
Advisor(s): Tanisha Fazal
"Taking Care of Fighters: Rebel Groups and their Provision of Medical Care to Fighters"

korbyn Dahlquist

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics
Advisor(s): Christina Camell
"Cytotoxicity, exhaustion, and immunosenescence in CD8+ T cells during aging"

karin de Langis

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Dongyeop Kang
"Cognitively Informed Natural Language Generation"

Lang DeLancey

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Advisor(s): Sarah Hobbie, Peter Kennedy
"Fungal controls on forest soil carbon storage under climate change"

Brylon Denman

Advisor(s): Courtney Roberts
"Inducing Regioselecitivty in Metal-Bound Arynes Reactions via Catalyst Control"

Sheetal Digari

Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
Advisor(s): Joan DeJaeghere, Bhaskar Upadhyay
"Racialized and Sexualized Bodies: Northeastern Indian Students’ Experiences in Higher Educational Institutions"

Rashida Doctor

Earth Sciences
Advisor(s): Joshua Feinberg
"Approaches in rock magnetic analysis: Insights into remanence acquisition, sea-level reconstruction, and advancement of techniques"

Jolene duda

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics
Advisor(s): Stefani Thomas
"Histone Deacetylase Proteins as Therapeutic Targets in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer"

Alexis Elfstrum

Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology
Advisor(s): Kaylee Schwertfeger
"LYVE-1+ macrophages modulate the extracellular matrix and contribute to mammary tumor growth"

Rae Fox-charles

Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Advisor(s): Betsy Maloney Leaf
"The Three Rs: An Intergenerational Exploration of Black Womanhood in Education & Dance"

Colin Freilich

Advisor(s): Bob Krueger
"Associations between Loneliness, Epigenetic Age Acceleration, and Chronic Physical Health Conditions at Midlife"

chloe gansen

Mass Communication
Advisor(s): Rebekah Nagler
"Responses to Politicized News Media Coverage About Health and Science: What is the role of perceived controversy?"

ting gao

Advisor(s): Maxim Pospelov
"CP-violating observables within and beyond the Standard Model"

Megan Goeke

Educational Psychology
Advisor(s): David DeLiema
"Tree Climbing: Attunement to material contribution during playful climbing"

anna Graefe

Advisor(s): Carolyn Porta
"Are We Preparing Nursing Students to Address Health Equity? A Mixed Methods Study of Baccalaureate Nursing Programs"

bria gresham

Child Psychology
Advisor(s): Canan Karatekin, Megan Gunnar
"How neighborhoods shape health from adolescence to adulthood: An examination of age-varying effects and change over time"

Abby Guthmann

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Advisor(s): Craig Packer
"Understanding human-wildlife interactions in a shared savanna landscape: impacts of cattle on wild herbivores spatiotemporal dynamics"

abigail hall

Advisor(s): Kieran McNulty
"The Ecological Context of Early Ape Evolution"

Arshia Zernab Hassan

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Chad Myers
"Computational methods for chemical genetic networks to discover precision cancer drugs"

stephanie Heidorn

Advisor(s): Brad Hokanson
"The Effect of Creative Problem Solving Training on Students’ Creative and Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions"

martin Herrera Perez

Mechanical Engineering
Advisor(s): James Van de Ven
"Flow and Torque Ripple Reduction in Positive Displacement Pumps and Motors"

hopewell hodges

Child Psychology
Advisor(s): Ann Masten, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan
"Resilience Processes in Twin Cities Immigrant and Refugee Children"

madeline honig

Advisor(s): Phillipe Buhlmann
"Expanding the Working Ranges and Applications of Ion Selective Electrodes"

Xinyue Hu

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Zhi-Li Zhang
"Domain-Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning for Networked Systems"

Kazi Ranjibul islam

Advisor(s): Andrey Chubukov
"Interplay between nematicity and superconductivity in iron-based high temperature superconductors, application to doped FeSe"

insil jeon

Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Advisor(s): Vichet Chhuon
"The Problematics of Becoming Asian American: Karen Students in U.S. Schools"

mariel jones

Water Resources Science
Advisor(s): Xue Feng
"Towards Understanding Coupled Snow and Soil Frost Behavior in Peatland Landscapes"

brooke Kern

Plant and Microbial Biology
Advisor(s): Dave Moeller
"The role of mating system transitions in flowering plant speciation"

Alireza Khataei

Electrical Engineering
Advisor(s): Kia Bazargan
"Self-Similarity-Based Computing"

Daehyun kim

Mechanical Engineering
Advisor(s): Jeff Tithof
"Novel Strategies to Address Neurological Disorders through Numerical Simulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage"

Hannah jo King

Natural Resources Science and Management
Advisor(s): Mae Davenport
"Homesteaders to Harvesters: Case Studies in Black and Indigenous Reparative Environmental Justice"

lucas kramer

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Eric Van Wyk
"Enabling Practical Modular Language Specifications"

sachin kumar

Mechanical Engineering
Advisor(s): Uwe Kortshagen
"Carbon-Free Iron Ore Reduction using Hydrogen Plasma: Towards Green Steel"

Yeon Joo lee

Business Administration
Advisor(s): Karen Donohue
"Improving the Sustainability of E-Commerce Logistics through Change in Consumer Behavior"

zongbo li

Health Services Research, Policy, and Administration
Advisor(s): Eva Enns, Xiao Zang
"Optimizing harm reduction services to prevent drug overdose deaths and improve racial/ethnic health equity among people at risk for drug overdose in Minnesota"

yijun lin

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Yao-Yi Chiang
"Spatiotemporal Prediction and Forecasting with Multimodal and Multiscale Data"

Anna Mahony

Civil Engineering
Advisor(s): Bill Arnold
"Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in wastewater and the environment: Quantification and Removal"

Sushmita Majumder

Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor(s): Nathan Mara, Calvin Sun 
"Fundamental understanding of mechanical behavior in pharmaceutical crystals for accelerated drug manufacturing"

Doneila McIntosh

Family Social Science
Advisor(s): Chalandra Bryant
"African American Bereavement: How Do Youth and Families Navigate Loss?"

greta McKeever

Theatre Arts
Advisor(s): Margaret Werry, Sonali Pahwa
"Housewives, Writers, and Communists: Staging Domesticity in Imperial Germany to Make Labor Visible"

Kevin McKiernan

Asian Literatures, Cultures, and Media
Advisor(s): Christine Marran
"The Stakes of Tricontinental Cinema: Radical Politics and Aesthetics in the Global 1960s"

Hannah Murphy

Comparative and Molecular Biosciences
Advisor(s): Yuying Liang, Hinh Ly
"New Insights into the Biology and Composition of Medically Important Viruses"

Sreejith Thampan nair

Chemical Engineering
Advisor(s): Bharat Jalan
"Engineering thin film synthesis and electronic properties of iridium-based oxides"

Noah Nathan Kochen

Biomedical Engineering
Advisor(s): Jonathan Sachs
"Investigation of fibril cavity amino acids and small molecules as modulators of selfassembly and toxicity of neurodegeneration-related proteins"

kayla nelson

Child Psychology
Advisor(s): Sylia Wilson, Ann Masten
"A Causally- and Genetically-Informed Approach to Depression and Substance Use Comorbidity During Adolescence and the Role of the Parent-Child Relationship"

huy Nguyen

Chemical Engineering
Advisor(s): Matthew Neurock
"First-principles Insights into The Catalytic Conversions of CO2 to Value-added Chemicals and Fuels"

mary O'Brien McAdaragh

Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
Advisor(s): Stuart Yeh
"Public Narrative and Its Relationship to Traumatic Stress: Applying Evaluative Thinking and Problem Definition to a Critical Social Issue"

Moyosore Orimoloye

Medicinal Chemistry
Advisor(s): Courtney Aldrich
"Chemical Probes for the Identification and Validation of Targets in Mycobacterial Metabolism"

matthew pAwlak

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics
Advisor(s): Wendy Gordon
"The Development and Utilization of High Throughput Methods of Mechanotypying"

Taylor Price

Plant and Microbial Biology
Advisor(s): Trinity Hamilton
"Microbial diversity across spatial and temporal scales in high mountain watersheds of the Teton Range, USA"

jack rabe

Conservation Sciences
Advisor(s): Joseph Bump
"Unraveling the Ecological Complexity of Yellowstone's Large Mammal Predator-Prey Dynamics"

Viktor Radermacher

Earth Sciences
Advisor(s): Pete Makovicky
"The Macroevolution of the Ornithischian Dental Battery"

Mskwaankwad Rice

Advisor(s): Claire Halpert
"Ge-gikendamang Enwewaad Netaa-anishnaabemojig: linguistic analysis of clause type in of Ojibwe language reclamation"

angela Ricono

Plant and Microbial Biology
Advisor(s): Kathleen Greenham
"Integrating time of day dynamics into transcriptomic and metabolic networks to improve crop performance"

christopher Robertson

Advisor(s): Michelle Phelps
"Covenanted-Policing: Policing, Spatial Racism, and Health (In)Equity in Minneapolis, MN"

chris seong

Advisor(s): Courtney Roberts
"Advances in Modern and Traditional Methods for Pharmaceutically Relevant C–C and C–N Bond Formation"

yuting shan

Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Advisor(s): R. Stephanie Huang
"Deciphering Sex Differences in Tumor Progression and Cancer Treatment Response by Studying Intratumoral Microbiome-Host Interactions"

jaan Sharma Pathak

Advisor(s): Vinay Gidwani, Bruce Braun
"A State of Uncertainty: Flood and Erosion Management in the Brahmaputra Valley (India)"

anala shetty

Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics
Advisor(s): Juan Carlos Rivera-Mulia, Walter Low
"Overcoming barriers to organ generation for transplantation therapy through interspecies chimerism"

Nikoleta (Nika) sremac

Advisor(s): Joachim Savelsberg, Alejandro Baer
"History in Whose Hands? Women's Collective Memory of the Yugoslav Wars in Serbia"

Chowdhury Tasnova "Nova" Tahsin

Rehabilitation Science
Advisor(s): Manda Keller-Ross, Ida Fonkoue
"Sympathetic Regulation and Endothelial Function in Postmenopausal Females with Sleep Disturbance"

Sneha Venkatachalapathy

Advisor(s): Mark Distefano
"Building the Protein-Drug Revolution"

sarah Wahby

Public Affairs
Advisor(s): Ragui Assaad
"The nexus of climate change, migration and conflict in Sudan"

elijah wallace

Advisor(s): Andrea Sterk
"Saints, Soldiers, and Society in the Late Roman West: Reassessing the End of Empire in Italy and Illyricum"

reo wang

Family Social Science
Advisor(s): Stacey Horn
"Perceptions and Meaning-Making of Homophobic Language Among Mandarin-Speaking Adolescents"

Zijian wang

Advisor(s): Changquan Sun
"Tabeletability Flip of Drugs upon Formulation"

dillon williams

Biomedical Engineering
Advisor(s): David Wood
"Defining the mechanics and kinetics of red blood cell sickling in sickle cell disease"

murphi williams

Advisor(s): Ambika Bhagi-Damodaran
"Modulating the structure and function of bacterial heme proteins"

christopher Winchester

Business Administration
Advisor(s): Elizabeth Campbell
"When Underperformance Means Success: Mixed-Methods Theory-Building & Testing of Strategic Underperformance"

Mingzhou yang

Computer Science
Advisor(s): Shashi Shekhar
"Vehicle-Physics-Informed AI for Transportation Science"

Tingyuan yang

Advisor(s): Ameeta Kelekar
"Bcl-2 protein, Noxa, as a Regulator of Proliferative Metabolism and Apoptotic Cell Death in human CD8+ T cells"

Siliang zeng

Electrical Engineering
Advisor(s): Mingyi Hong
"Aligning Human and AI Systems: Framework, Algorithm Design and Applications in Large Language Models"

Sylvester (Wenze) zhang

Advisor(s): Pavlo Pylyavskyy
"Super Cluster Algebras and Generalized Boson-Fermion Correspondence"

Gaonan zhao

Mechanical Engineering
Advisor(s): Sun Zongxuan
"System Modeling and Motion Control for Autonomous Off-road Vehicles"

caini Zheng

Advisor(s): Ilja Siepmann, Tim Lodge
"Self-Assembly of Polymers and Amphiphiles into Bicontinuous Phases"