What is the DOVE Fellowship?
The Diversity of Views and Experiences (DOVE) Fellowship Program seeks to assist graduate research programs to promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence. This is promoted through the recruitment and support of academically excellent students who are looking to positively impact their graduate program, and whose representations of diversity are expressed in its many forms – including, but not limited to, thought, geography, faith, experiences, background, ethnicity, gender and interests.
The DOVE Fellowship Program is administered jointly by the Graduate School Fellowship Office (GSFO) and the Graduate School Diversity Office (GSDO).
The submission deadline has passed and nominations are currently under review. Programs will be notified in late March 2025 of award decisions.
WHAT is the award?
The DOVE fellowship is a $25,000 stipend, academic year tuition at the general graduate rate for up to 14 credits per semester, subsidized health insurance through the Graduate Assistant Health Plan for up to one calendar year.
DOVE Fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in the GSDO Summer Institute Research Program. The GSDO Summer Institute is getting a refresh ahead of the 2025-26 academic year and details will be communicated once available.
Who is eligible to apply?
- The DOVE fellowship is for incoming/prospective Master's and PhD students in research-based programs.
- Eligible graduate programs include master’s or doctoral research-based programs.
- Applicants to a Professional Program should apply to the Provost’s Professional Education Diversity Fellowship.
- U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, prospective students lawfully in the U.S. on a non-temporary basis, MN Dream Act students, and prospective Indigenous Canadian students who are eligible under the Jay Treaty.
- Applicants entering a University of Minnesota graduate program in the 2024-25 academic year. Graduate students who are transferring from another institution and who have not already earned a terminal degree are also eligible. Exception: current UMN master’s students are eligible if they were not previously a DOVE recipient and are applying as a new applicant to a UMN PhD program.
- Applicants who are entering a graduate program for a credential they have already earned are NOT eligible. Example: those who are applying for a second master’s degree, even if in a different field, are not eligible.
- Applicants who have already earned a terminal degree are NOT eligible. Exception: applicant is eligible if the PhD program requires a terminal master’s degree for admission.
- Applicants who have already received a DOVE or Creating Inclusive Cohorts (CIC) fellowship in the past are NOT eligible.
- If selected, the recipient must be admitted to the nominating graduate research program as a degree-seeking student by Fall semester 2025.
- At least two (2) DOVE Fellowships will be awarded to McNair Scholars.
Important note on eligibility
The information on this website is for research-based graduate programs only. Information regarding the Provost's Professional Education Diversity Fellowship can be found here. For a list of graduate and professional programs, please refer to the Provost's website.
- Program Nomination is required. Please reach out to your Director of Graduate Studies or Graduate Program Coordinator to inquire about nomination.
- Programs can nominate up to two (2) applicants.
- Nominations to the DOVE Fellowship are through the Graduate School Application System.
- Note for School of Public Health nominators: Because SPH does not use this system, we ask you to access this electronic form to submit nominations.
- Programs must submit nominations no later than 5:00pm CT on February 5, 2025.
What are the application requirements?
Who nominates prospective students to the DOVE Fellowship?
The Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) in the prospective graduate program. Applicants may contact the graduate program directly and request to be considered for the DOVE Fellowship. Applicants may NOT self-nominate or apply directly.
How can I verify if an applicant is a MN Dream Act student?
Programs should verify with the applicant directly if they have received the MN Dream Act. This information is not reported to the University until after students have been admitted.
Are International students eligible to be nominated for the DOVE Fellowship?
No, International students are NOT eligible to be nominated for the DOVE. Only students who are lawfully in the United States on a non-temporary basis can be nominated.
Students under the Jay Treaty are eligible to apply to the DOVE Fellowship.
What is the DOVE Fellowship definition of diversity of views and experiences?
The DOVE Fellowship seeks to assist graduate programs to promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence. This diversity is promoted through the recruitment and support of academically excellent students with diverse ethnic, racial, economic, and educational backgrounds and experiences. Programs are encouraged to consider students from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the graduate programs.
What are the review and selection considerations?
An interdepartmental faculty committee reviews all nominations and selects award recipients. This rubric is used in review and for discussion.
Nominations that simply name the student's race/ethnicity [or: marginalized identities] without further rationale as to the diverse view, experience, and/or idea that this nominee will contribute to the program, will not be considered.
Preference will be given to admitted applicants who are nominated.
Does the DOVE Fellowship guarantee admission?
The nomination does NOT guarantee admission. In order to be admitted to the Graduate School, the official admission notification must come from the Graduate School Admissions Office.
How competitive is the DOVE Fellowship?
The DOVE Fellowship is competitive. Approximately 100 applications are received each year, and approximately 20-30% are awarded fellowship offers.
What additional support is provided by the graduate program?
A DOVE Fellow may also elect to participate in the Graduate School Diversity Office (GSDO) First Year Institute experience. Details about the FYI experience will be provided in the DOVE terms & conditions. Programs are required to commit to a $1,000 stipend to the DOVE Fellow upon completion of the FYI experience and another $1,000 to support the professional development of the DOVE Fellow's FYI Faculty Mentor.
Graduate programs will also commit a minimum of $1,000 to support the participation of the DOVE fellow in research/conference travel during their degree program (can be used outside of the DOVE Fellowship year).
Can a student be nominated by more than one graduate program for the DOVE Fellowship?
Yes, a student may be nominated by ALL graduate programs to which they apply. However, if an applicant is selected to receive a DOVE Fellowship with their nomination from one program then the applicant must enroll in that program in order to receive the DOVE. The DOVE Fellowship is for both the applicant and the program.
Can a graduate program have more than one DOVE Fellowship recipient?
Yes, graduate programs can have more than one DOVE Fellowship recipient. Each program can nominate up to only two (2) students.
DOVE Emergency Funding
Administered through the Graduate School Diversity Office (GSDO), within the Graduate School, the DOVE Emergency Funding program is intended to increase retention of graduate students from underrepresented populations by supporting those students who face unanticipated financial hardship that would likely impact or hinder degree completion. The funding is a short-term, one-time award of up to $1,500, which does not cover recurring expenses and does not require repayment.
Additional information, including eligibility and application requirements, can be found at this link.
The following FAQ answers additional questions a nominee or program may have about eligibility requirements. Many of the FAQs mention meeting “all other eligibility requirements,” and that means a nominee meets the citizenship requirement and is applying to a research-based program.
What do you mean in eligibility by “graduate program for the first time”?
- Programs can nominate applicants who are applying to a graduate degree program level (either master’s or doctoral) for the first time.
- For example, if you have a master’s degree from another institution or from UMN and you apply for admission into a PhD program at UMN then you are eligible (if you meet all other eligibility requirements). However, if you have a master’s degree from another institution and you are applying to a master’s degree at UMN in a different field then you are not eligible because you already have a graduate degree at the master’s level.
What is considered a “terminal degree”?
- Terminal degrees are the highest degree available in an academic discipline.
- Common examples include PhD, EdD, MD, DDS, DDM, DVM, and JD (for DOVE purposes, these are considered doctoral-level).
- Some professional master’s degrees are also considered terminal, such as MBA, MArch, MLS, MPP, MSW, MPH, as well as MFA, which is a research-based graduate program. If you are applying to a research-based PhD program at UMN and admission to the PhD requires a terminal master’s degree then, yes, you are eligible to be nominated for the DOVE as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements.
I received a terminal degree (master- or doctoral-level) and now I am changing career paths. Am I eligible to be nominated?
No. You are only eligible if you are applying to a PhD program that requires (or prefers) the terminal degree you have earned for admission (and as long as you meet all other eligibility criteria).
My discipline considers a master’s-level degree as the terminal degree. Am I eligible to be nominated if I’m applying to a PhD program?
- You are eligible only if the PhD program requires (or prefers) the terminal master’s degree you have earned for admission (and as long as you meet all other eligibility criteria).
- You are not eligible if you are applying to a master’s degree program in another field.
I already hold a non-terminal Master’s degree from the UMN. Am I eligible to be nominated?
Yes, you are eligible to be nominated as long as you were not already a DOVE or CIC fellowship recipient, you submitted a new application to a research-based PhD program, and as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements.
I already hold a non-terminal Master’s degree from a non-UMN institution. Am I eligible to be nominated?
Yes, as long as you are applying to a research-based PhD program and you meet all other eligibility criteria.
I received my bachelor’s degree from UMN and now I’m applying to a Master’s or PhD program. Am I eligible to be nominated?
Yes, you are eligible to be nominated as long as you meet all other eligibility criteria.
ADDITIONAL Information
DOVE Travel Funds
The DOVE Fellowship Program includes a travel program. The fellowships and travel awards are designed to assist graduate programs in enhancing diversity within their programs.
The Graduate School Diversity Office has limited funds to assist with the expense of bringing up to two of your fellowship nominees to campus for a visit. Graduate programs do not have to wait until after submission of their nominations to request travel funds. Requests are accepted January 27 - April 30, 2025, and visits must take place no later than April 15, 2025.
The travel request form can be completed here.
For further information please contact Graduate School Fellowships Office.