Welcome to our short-list of GSDO resources for faculty and staff. It is not all-inclusive of the resources available to you, but it is a great place to start.

Diversity Working Groups Toolkit 

Online resource list for faculty, staff, students, and postdocs leading the charge to create more equitable and inclusive communities within graduate education. This list includes useful resources for individuals and diversity committees, councils, or task-force groups designed to strategically enhance diversity recruitment and retention.

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Do you have suggestions of more resources we ought to share here? If so, please email them to us at [email protected].

Diversity Recruitment 

Learn how you can help us create a more diverse and inclusive graduate student body. The Diversity Recruitment Toolkit provides all of the information, resources, and guidance you’ll need to connect with prospective students from underrepresented groups and backgrounds.

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Graduate School Diversity Recruitment


Diversity Retention

Learn how you can help us sustain a more diverse and inclusive graduate student body. Here you will find Diversity Retention initiatives and resources such as the Summer Institute (SI), Community of Scholars Program (COSP), graduate student data sources, and more.

Request Consultation

Graduate faculty are encouraged to connect with the GSDO to explore strategic and sustainable approaches to enhanced recruitment and retention efforts for BIPOC and underrepresented graduate students.  

Request a Consultation

Videos on Diversity

Toward Inclusivity

Watch video segments of U of M graduate students and postdoctoral researchers sharing perspectives and experiences regarding diversity and inclusivity in graduate education, with some segments followed by reflection questions.