These page outlines all of the image styles used on the new grad site. Because the site was migrated, all of the styles from the d7 site were automatically moved to the d8 site, but some of the styles did not work. Because these styles were used on multiple pages, deleting them could break the site, therefore, there are some styles that remain from the 7 site and should not be removed.

*Note: to add an image style via the WYSIWYG, use the "Media Browser" button (STAR icon), as opposed to the "Insert from Media Library" button (IMAGE and MUSIC NOTE icons)

Folwell Styles

These image styles come standard with the Folwell subtheme for your site.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Original image
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Folwell Full Page
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Folwell Half Page
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Folwell Third Page
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Folwell Fifth Page
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Folwell Slideshow- does not need to be used unless you are creating a slideshow
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Large (480x480)
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Media Library thumbnail (220x220)
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Medium (220x220)
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Thumbnail (100x100)
Circle Styles

There are several circle styles for this site, some were created to only be used for specific instances and should not be used on general pages.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Circle- Main (277x277)

This is the main circle style you should use when you want a circle image.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Circle- Toolkit (200x200)

This style is used on Toolkit pages- it was created to be used out of the box, and will not work on general pages

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Circle- News (175x175)

This style is used on the News and Events overview pages- it was created to be used out of the box, and will not work on general pages

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Inline Circle

This is the style that was migrated from the old Drupal 7 site, it's configurations don't work on the d8 site, so we created the Circle-Main style to replace it

Other Styles

These are image styles that we created for specific purposes, but are not circles.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Maroon and gold chysanthemums
2 Column small left image style (600x650)

This image style was created to be used with the 2 column paragraph bundle with an image on the left and a body on the right (see Fellowship Opportunities on this node for an example). Formerly Toolkit 2 column.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
2-column Image Style (800x360)

This image style is used when including an image in a 2-column paragraph bundle of equal widths

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Header image (1500x300)

This image style was migrated form the d7 site, formerly called Header Image for 2 column general.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Home page hero image

This style is used for the home page hero image, does not need to be used elsewhere.

Maroon and gold chysanthemums
Toolkit 2 column

Migrated from the d7 site, configurations do not work on this site so it was rebuilt as 2 Column small left image style (600x650) (See above)

List of Styles to Ignore

This is a list of image styles you can ignore, either because they are from the 7 site and no longer work, are only needed on the development end of the site, or come standard with drupal and do not need to be used:

  • Circle- News (175x175) (used for backend devel)
  • Circle- Toolkit (200x200) (used for backend devel)
  • CircleTest (used for backend devel)
  • Cropped: Freeform (standard for drupal)
  • Crop thumbnail (standard for drupal)
  • Header image (1500x300) (used for backend devel)
  • Home page hero image (used for backend devel)
  • Inline circle (migrated- does not work)
  • MIE Demo Teaser (necessary addition for megamenu)
  • Slick media (standard for drupal)
  • Toolkit 2 column (migrated- does not work)